首页 Mitie基金会


The Mitie基金会 exists to break down perceived barriers to employment for disadvantaged groups within the communities in which Mitie operates. 这样做的时候, 米蒂吸引了最优秀的人才, 丰富员工和客户的多样性.










成立于2013年, the Foundation is a registered charity focussed on providing varied life opportunities for disadvantaged groups.

We are passionate about breaking down barriers and helping a diverse range of participants who may have been overlooked, 尽管如此,他们还是热情而能干, 为可持续发展, 实现就业.

The Foundation’s initiatives support the following groups with tailored programmes to help them overcome the unique barriers they face:

  • 长期失业
  • 残疾人士及有学习困难人士
  • 退伍军人
  • 曾经的罪犯
  • 年轻人

前进, 基金会将继续支持弱势群体, and to educate others in order to challenge the stigma and negative perceptions that so often surround them. Our mission remains to provide varied life opportunities and to open viable routes to sustainable employment.

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Mitie’s vision is to lead the facilities management 行业 in creating social value through everyday operations, 为组织工作所在的社区留下持久的遗产.

The Foundation is wholly funded by 米蒂集团有限公司 but operates independently with a separate board and management structure. The Foundation has assisted in shaping Mitie’s sustainability framework and its activities play a pivotal role in helping the organisation meet social value and corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives.

“米蒂基金会和米蒂集团长期以来一直是一股正义的力量. 在已有成就的基础上再接再厉, the expanded programme offering will now assist an even broader range of candidates into the world of work. I’m proud of the joint role the Mitie基金会 and Mitie Group Plc plays in shaping brighter futures through worthwhile employment.”

Phil Bentley, Mitie Group Plc首席执行官


An introduction to the 工作场所 equips struggling candidates with the skills to tackle barriers they may have faced. Ready2Work是Mitie基金会之间的一项合作倡议, Mitie和该组织的客户,以促进有益的工作经验.


该基金会的旗舰工作体验项目是一个充满行动的项目, 为期八周的职场入门课程, 为候选人提供可持续就业的途径. Our tailored approach enables individuals to upskill and rebuild confidence within a supportive environment.

Mitie通过在Ready2Work的办公室提供工作经验实习来支持Ready2Work, 或者与该组织的一个客户.



在项目期间,Mitie志愿者指导候选人,提供指导和支持. 参与者还可以接触到工作场所的现实情况, 包括导师所承担的角色和责任.

“By offering meaningful employment to disadvantaged people I feel we’ve been able to offer real opportunity to individuals from the local community.”

Jan Srna, Hinchingbrooke医院的合同经理


与我们的合作伙伴组织和慈善机构一起, Mitie基金会创建了Ready2Work的另外三个变体. These programmes are tailored to the needs of candidates who face specific challenges in showcasing their ability and potential.

与米蒂对《澳博国际官网》的自豪承诺一致, the Ready2Work Military programme supports veterans in finding civilian roles in facilities management. Mitie recognises that servicemen and women have unique skills and training that can add real value to the business.

使能计划帮助有残疾或学习困难的参与者, and also supports both Mitie and the organisation’s clients in providing such candidates with sustainable employment.

Working with charity partners that focus on rehabilitating ex-offenders and helping those at risk of offending, Beyond Bars breaks down barriers and checks negative perceptions of people with criminal convictions.



“自2013年以来, 工作机会 have worked in partnership with Mitie基金会 placing over 20 women with lived experience of the criminal justice system into the Ready2Work programme. 同时也通过Mitie安排了一些女性担任有偿角色, the Ready2Work programme has proved to be an excellent stepping stone in supporting candidates with their long-term career goals and aspirations.”



Dora Onga作为刚果民主共和国的难民来到英国. 因为英语不是她的第一语言, she struggled with confidence and turned to the charity Breaking Barriers for help finding employment.

在Ready2Work获得一个职位后,多拉在德勤(Deloitte)待了几周. 她始终感到得到了充分的支持,她的信心大大提高了. Dora was subsequently offered the position of housekeeping supervisor at Deloitte’s London campus and even voted the Ready2Work candidate who had progressed the most by her peers.

“I am grateful for the opportunity that I was given, which has really opened doors for me.”

杰夫·巴尔有学习困难和癫痫. 离开学校后,他努力找工作,遭到了许多令人失望的拒绝. 回顾, Jeff realises this had a negative impact on his mental health and made him prone to anxiety attacks.

杰夫被他的就业中心顾问推荐到Ready2Work. The programme was tailored to provide work experience for candidates interested in working in cleaning, 杰夫被安置在英国国民保健署欣奇布鲁克医院, 剑桥郡. 尽管他最初有所保留, Jeff pushed himself and performed so well he was offered a full-time job following the placement.

“我欣喜若狂. 这是我一生中最好的机会! 工作总比不工作好.”

作为我们慈善合作伙伴Career Ready 2019/20支持计划的一部分, several Lloyds Banking Group team members from Mitie’s Thorpe Park office in Leeds registered to work with 一年 2 students from nearby Garforth Academy.

Career Ready helps 年轻人 from lower-income backgrounds kickstart rewarding careers by delivering a programme of 工作场所 visits, 指导, 职业技能大师班, 在英国各地的中小学和大学进行带薪实习和其他雇主主导的活动.

2019/20学年的课程以加福斯学院学生的伦敦之旅为开端, including a visit to Mitie’s Shard HQ to get a glimpse of what it’s like to work in facilities management.

“学生们都度过了美好的一天,反馈也非常积极. 有几个学生以前没有来过伦敦,所以这是一次大开眼界的经历!”



Mitie is committed to enriching the communities in which the organisation works and to addressing inequality in society. 为了支持这一点, 该基金会负责管理公司的员工志愿澳博官方网站计划, 回馈. Mitie colleagues can use their annual volunteering day to support good causes in their locality.

Mitie做出了一个重要的五年承诺,承诺在2015年实现这一目标,在20/21财政年度内,员工志愿澳博官方网站日数达5,000天, 增加到2,000 by 24/25.



Mitie colleagues can volunteer with the Mitie基金会 and have the opportunity to provide 指导, 进行模拟面试并协助商业挑战日. Volunteering is also available with several partner charities aligned to Mitie’s social value framework.




Sometimes the challenge of an interview can be the very thing that pr事件 a perfectly capable candidate getting a job, 特别是那些被认为有就业障碍的人. 给人留下深刻印象的时间有限,而且可能会有无意识的偏见对他们不利, 他们提供的经验和才能可能被忽视.

商业挑战日 are fun Dragons’ Den-style 事件 that connect companies with such marginalised individuals. 通过让应聘者在面试场景之外展示他们的能力, 这一天是传统招聘方式的绝佳选择.

事实证明,基金会举办的活动对无家可归者特别成功, 年轻人, 残疾人和有前科的人.


  • 主席萨尔玛·沙阿
  • 受托人贾斯敏·哈德森
  • 理事,丽贝卡·福克纳
  • 理事,纳夫·凯利
  • 受托人,普拉德·潘迪特
  • 受托人安德鲁·巴克利


基金会将继续支持弱势群体, and to educate others in order to challenge the stigma and negative perceptions that so often surround them. Our mission remains to provide varied life opportunities and to open viable routes to sustainable employment.


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